
We look for

Before going through with investments, we at Ventendo do some of our own investing. Our experts invest time and efforts getting to know the entrepreneurs behind the company, their background and experience, as well as their future plans for growth and success.
As we acquaint ourselves with prospective investments and the people and ideas behind them, we seek answers to key questions in several areas. Any application to Ventendo must consist of a well written document addressing the following issues:
Management team. We strongly believe that the management characteristics of startup companies are as important as those of the business. Our ideal candidates are companies run by proven and competent managers with a "failing is not an option” attitude.
Business concept. What is unique or innovative about the product or service being offered — in other words, what is the company's competitive advantage? If there is a new technology under development, what progress has been made so far? Are there patent or regulatory issues? What are the distribution and marketing plans for the product? What is the overall timetable for the business?
Market and industry. At Ventendo we consider several factors regarding the market arena in which our prospective investment operate. What is the best estimate of the market for the company's product or service, and on what data is this estimate based on? Has customer feedback been sought, measured, and analyzed? What is the existing and potential competition?
Capital requirements. How much funding is required now and how will the financing be structured? Will additional funding be needed later on? If so, at what stage or stages in the company's development?
Financial statements. Normally, we are interested in 3-5 year projections. For established companies, historical financial statements are also important but are not a requirement.

Our Philosophy

We are an equal opportunity company and encourage entrepreneurs and young companies to apply.

Apply to Ventendo

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